Man walking in TurboMed Xtern AFO for dropfoot

What is one of the biggest challenges clinicians face with fitting AFO’s?

The answer is simple, the shoes. Most shoes are simply not deep enough or wide enough to accommodate the ankle foot orthosis (AFO). Patients generally do not want to wear just one pair of shoes, they want multiple options to wear with their AFO’s. Patients often complain that they have to buy two pairs of shoes in two different sizes, because they need a bigger shoe to fit the AFO. A solution is now available! The TurboMed XTERN AFO solves this problem with innovation and comfort.

XTERN is a unique AFO because it attaches to the outside of the patient’s shoe.

Patients who have drop foot and are unable to dorsiflex their foot through the swing phase of their gait are the best candidates for the XTERN. It is a dorsiassist, posterior leaf spring, off the shelf AFO. The unique design has no contact with the skin, except for the calf, where the cuff secures to the leg. Thus, preventing skin breakdown and rubbing injuries to the foot. The TurboMed is appropriate for many levels of drop foot. However, contraindications include patients with Genu recurvatum, clonus, tone or limited dorsiflexion range of motion.

A clip, zip-tied to the toe box of the shoe, holds the AFO onto the shoe. Therefore, the clip rests proximally on the sole of the shoe. A simple zip-tie attached to the distal clip of a shoe makes transferring the AFO from shoe to shoe quick and easy. The system includes five clips and a handful of zip-ties.

It’s unique design allows patients to comfortably run, walk, and even hike in the XTERN for long distances. Wear conditions tested include; during marathons, triathlons, endurance activities and outdoor adventures. The XTERN fits on high hiking footwear and winter or safety boots, unlike conventional foot drop braces. In our experience, patients love the TurboMed AFO and enjoy it’s fit and function.

If you’re interested in the TurboMed AFO, contact us to schedule a free appointment with one of our certified orthotists.

For more information about TurboMed, visit their website.

The TurboMed Can Be Used With:

Trainers/Running Shoe
Lace and Velcro-Fastening Shoes/Boots
Walking Shoes/Boots
Safety Work Boots/shoes
Dress Shoes

*Article contribution made by Gerald Lunsford, WCBL Certified/Licensed Orthotist