Key Features of Pre-Preg Lamination

Beautifully crafted leather products.

> Flexible Trimlines

> Trimmable and Heat Adjustable

> Superior finish

> Light Weight

> Anatomical Fit

> Custom made for each patient’s unique needs

> Check brace option / DTO

Flexible Trimlines

Addressing edge pressure concerns, we leverage prepreg’s ability to control fiber orientation and resin distribution, resulting in customizable flexibility levels.


  • Increased energy return
  • Flexible and adjustable materials allow for increased comfort and control
  • Improved Proprioception
  • Allows for mild to moderate fluctuating edema
  • Reduces muscle atrophy allowing more dynamic movement

Clinical Indications (pediatric & adult):

  • Drop Foot resulting from underlying diagnoses or post-operative complications
  • Foot & Ankle M/L Instability
  • Neurological Disorders
  • Limb proprioception deficiencies
  • Drop foot with mild knee instability

Clinical Contraindications:

  • Fixed contractures/deformities
  • Uncontrolled Edema
  • Unmanaged moderate to severe spasticity
  • Patients prone to skin breakdown/current ulcerations

Why Prepreg

With prepreg composites, high-performance materials can be tailored to meet diverse functional goals for patients. Prepreg carbon fiber consists of a fabric matrix pre-impregnated with a precise amount of resin and partially cured. This method allows for controlled resin/fiber ratios and precise customization. By applying prepreg layers onto the patient’s limb model, the desired thickness and strength can be achieved. The composite is then cured through thermal cooking under pressure.

Prepreg Flexible AFOs and KAFOS

Adjustable Material

Maximum Comfort

Increased Control